Aerobic enzymatic breakdown of food waste

Prototype machine BMD Composting machine - liquid food waste digester. Bio Materials digester.

Dutch product coming soon

BMD - Bio material digesters - food digesters -food composters Composteermachines – composteermachine – voedselvergister – composteer machines

How our aerobic digester work

As new technology emerges almost every day to clean up our environment, our BMD Digester offers a straight-forward and affordableseveral technology that is simple to install and operate. We can assist in making that difference for our planet that we all look for, while saving money for us at the same time. A BMD Aerobic Digester can become part of this solution.


The aerobic digester process

About BMD – Breaking Barriers in Food Waste Management

Unlike traditional aerobic digester machines, the BMD doesn’t yield compost as a final product. This unique approach eliminates the need for additional waste management, reducing workload and hassle. Our tailored machines are designed to handle not only solid food waste but also liquid products like soups and sauces. Through our enzymatic process, we break down these food products into smaller, manageable components, a feat unmatched by any other liquid food aerobic digesters in the market.

Enzymatic Aerobic Digestion: Unveiling the Process

The BMD aerobic digester’s expertise lies in its ability to break down food waste fast and efficiently through enzymatic aerobic digestion. This process harnesses the power of our special enzymes mixes in combination with our machine and a monitored process to transform complex organic compounds into simpler components.

Enzymes, the catalysts of the natural world, take center stage in this process. Our unique enzyme mixes are specially developed for the BMD machine, and target specific organic molecules in the food waste, initiating their breakdown. Proteases tackle proteins, lipases address fats, etcetera. As a result, large, complex molecules are transformed into smaller, more manageable fragments.

Food waste

Food waste can be added into the BMD machine throughout the day. There is no waiting, it is a continuous process that adapts to your daily work schedule.

The machine

All food waste is collected in the machine. The special conditions in the machine and our exclusive enzyme mixes will process your waste into waste water 24/7.

The Enzymes

Our exclusive enzyme mixes are formulated in such a way that they can optimally break down your food waste. We have developed several variations that can break down the different waste flows.

The process

The ideal conditions are created in the BMD Machine so that the enzymes can do their work optimally. Temperature, moisture, movement and acidity are maintained at optimal conditions by us.

Break down

The food waste is broken down into smaller particles. This can even be done down to the level of building blocks such as amino acids, fatty acids and simple sugars.

Waste water

The waste water created in our machine can be safely discharged via the sewer to the waste water treatment plants. The 100% organic waste water can be converted into biogas at the WWTP.


Seamless Management, Remote Control

One of the key advantages of the BMD machine is its remote management feature. Employees simply need to place the food waste into the machine, and we take care of the rest. Our expert team manages the BMD machines remotely, ensuring a hassle-free experience for your staff.

Optimized Capacity for Peak Seasons

We understand the importance of having enough food waste capacity, especially during busy periods like holidays. Providing the right sized BMD aerobic digester is essential to offering reliability even during the busiest times of the year. It’s important to note that different types of food waste decompose at varying rates. Foods like dense-fiber vegetables and chicken bones require more time for breakdown. To better serve your unique needs, we require insights into your daily waste generation volume and types, particularly during peak periods.

Comprehensive Service Agreement

Our service agreement is designed to provide comprehensive support. It includes robust assistance from our center, online monitoring, and machine adjustments. Moreover, the agreement covers the supply of enzymes and replacement Bio-chips. When combined with our monthly service, the standard 2-year guarantee extends to an impressive 5 years, offering you peace of mind.

Aerobic - Anaerobic

Since the early 1950s, researchers have been studying aerobic digestion, and since the 1980s, many sewage treatment plants have used a combination of aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Modern food composters are now an accessible, sustainable, and cost-effective solution for organic food waste disposal in most organizations.

Composting food waste process
Aerobic digestion, on the other hand, should not be confused with anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion, while similar to aerobic digestion, does not require oxygen and is thus slower and less effective. Anaerobic digestion also produces methane, a harmful greenhouse gas that we want to avoid, as well as hydrogen sulfide, also known as “rotten egg gas.” To cope with food waste, food waste digesters use aerobic digestion.

Grey water within 24 hours

process of our food composter - food digester
0 - 24 hours digestion process

Fill the BMD with Bio Material waste. And incorporate our unique microbial blend.

process of our food composter - food digester
0 - 24 hours digestion process

To aid aerobic digestion, the digestor oxygenates food waste. It’s 24/7 cycle continues the digestion process.

process of our food composter - food digester
0 - 24 hours digestion process

Food waste is digested and broken down into tiny bits before being discharged as wastewater.

grey water is the output of our food digester
0 - 24 hours digestion process

The wastewater is filtered through a screen and grease arrestor before being discharged into the existing plumbing system.

Benefits of our Aerobic digester

Environmental Impact: Redefining Sustainable Practices

The BMD is drastically reducing CO2 emissions through the elimination of traditional waste transportation, it sets the stage for cleaner communities. The eradication of methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, adds a powerful climate change-fighting element to its repertoire. Moreover, the reduction of microplastics released from waste truck traffic contributes to healthier ecosystems and water bodies.

Operational Excellence: Efficiency and Ease Combined

The BMD machine is effortless food waste processing, reducing physical labor, and enhancing hygiene form its operational core. Bid farewell to pests and welcome real-time waste monitoring that empowers informed decisions. Your team’s efforts can be redirected towards higher-value tasks, thanks to BMD’s streamlined processes.

Financial Advantage: Paving the Way to Savings

Say hello to cost savings, eliminated container pickups and logistics. Reduced maintenance costs and optimized personnel efficiency further contribute to your bottom line. Additionally, BMD’s eco-friendly image aligns perfectly with modern consumer preferences, enhancing your reputation and market positioning.

Unparalleled Advantages: BMD’s Distinct Edge

In a league of its own, the BMD machine surpasses competitors. It boasts advanced food waste breakdown capabilities, processes liquids and sauces efficiently, and offers remote control with data analytics for unparalleled insights. Chemical-free operation, seamless wastewater treatment, and prevention of grease accumulation underscore its unique advantages.

Our aerobic digester machines

Prototype machine BMD Composting machine - liquid food waste digester. Bio Materials digester.

Small size

Dutch product coming soon

These machines have a daily food waste processing capacity of 80 to 400 liters. 

Prototype machine BMD Composting machine - liquid food waste digester. Bio Materials digester.

Medium size

Dutch product coming soon

These machines have a daily food waste processing capacity of 800 to 1600 liters. 

Prototype machine BMD Composting machine - liquid food waste digester. Bio Materials digester.

Large size

Dutch product coming soon

These machines have a daily food waste processing capacity of 4000  to 16000 liters. 

Is food waste a problem for your business?

If you are currently grappling with or concerned about food waste and compostable packaging, an aerobic digester might be the straightforward solution you have yet to explore. An aerobic digester leverages the natural breakdown of food waste by microbes. In an oxygen-rich environment, full aerobic digestion can break down food waste into carbon dioxide and water relatively quickly. Our BMD Aerobic Digester is designed to mimic this process by converting food waste into gray water, which is then directed through existing sewer drains or stored for use as irrigation water and fertilizer.

This process is guided by the same natural laws that govern all living organisms, including our own bodies. In fact, commercial aerobic digestion technology is often likened to a “mechanical stomach” because it closely mirrors the human digestive process.

By digesting food waste on-site, you can address some of the biggest challenges associated with food waste management, such as reducing the need to transport waste to landfills. Microorganisms efficiently break down organic waste, and they do it much faster in our BMD machines than in a landfill setting.

Our BMD+ (in progress)

The idea of using the BMD as a Food – plastic composter,  to break down plant-based packaging is fascinating. This would be a significant step in converting more usable waste into valuable resources, such as bio-gas, while simultaneously processing the food waste associated with these packaging materials in the BMD machine. However, the execution of this idea presents some challenges, primarily due to the diversity of plant-based materials used for food packaging.

Green bin or BMD machine?

This is the difference

Do you also have a green bin that looks like this? Knowing you have to wait another 4 days before the truck comes to pick up the food waste. Not even mentioning the task of cleaning the container and doing this week after week.
Let’s solve your food waste problem and create a hygienic way of getting rid of food waste. A future without the hassle of a smelly, dirty, fly-creating green bin. Welcome to the world of a BMD machine.

Benefits of our aerobic digester

Hygienic working environment.

Reduces pests and vermin.

No solid waste output to manage.

No unpleasant odors.

Discharges into local wastewater system.

Reduces the production of methane.

Lowers conventional garbage hauling expense.

Safe and easy operation with low maintenance.

Reduces overall labor cost.

Offers options for irrigation and soil enhancement.


Benefits of enzymatic fertilizer

working the land with tractors

Additionally, enzymes can help improve soil structure by increasing the activity of microorganisms, that help create a healthy, nutrient-rich soil. 

BMD benefits - curbstone collection

Curbside collection compared with BMD liquid food waste digesters.

 Here are some of the benefits of using a liquid food waste digester compared to a curbside collection system.

The different building blocks

Building blocks - simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids

The different building blocks that come out of food waste when digested by enzymes are simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids.

Our BMD machines discharge the digested food waste into the sewage that eventually ends up at a wastewater treatment plant, where all the sewage wastewater is treated.

By breaking down organic matter and releasing essential nutrients, these enzymes help improve soil fertility and promote plant growth.

Coming soon more articles

supermarket shoppingmall

Our aerobic digester partners

Single Use Solutions

A USA based manufacturer of 100% plant-based bottles and caps. The only USDA Bio Preferred approved water bottle in the world.

GS-Green Packaging

A Dutch company specializing in support and consultancy for companies that want to step away from fossil plastic.

Custom Enzymes is our reseller for the country of Australia. They are an industry-leading supplier of enzymatic formulations. 

Oakland Lease UK

Oakland lease UK is our partner for own to lease in Europe. They can provide service in 28 different European countries and the USA.

Dimension Funding

Dimension Funding has partnered with BMD to make it more affordable to purchase Bio Materials Digesters in the USA.